July Worship & Learning Series, final Sunday. As Long As You Need: Permission to Grieve by J.S. Park. Info, videos, links here. Next Sunday, we start a five-week series on Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose. Learn more here. We are organizing Sun. morning small groups for 6 weeks beginning this fall. Is there a topic/book you'd like to facilitate? Groups will be 5 to 12 people. Contact Brooklyn to suggest topics. Share the Plate is the Darwish Family (via the Immigrant Support Fund). Learn more here. Cash and undesignated checks (or those marked Share, Darwish, etc.) will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Use memo line to indicate pledge. The Parents Circle Families Forum is a joint Israeli-Palestinian organization of 700+ bereaved families who have lost a close family member to the conflict. Instead of revenge, they have chosen reconciliation. Join them as they share their stories. Plymouth is one of the sponsors. 7/29 at 11a.m. at FC Old Town Library, 201 Peterson St. or by Zoom. Register for both here. Flier here. Imagine Project grants from the Outreach & Mission Board are open through 9/15. Learn more and apply here. New to grant writing? See 8/7 signup deadline at right for UCC grant writing webinar. Plymouth is looking for a new person to lead us through CROP Walk 2024. Fundraising in Sept., walk 10/6. Interested/info, Bob Vangermeersch. This is NOT a huge commitment and Plymouth has been represented at our local CROP Walk for many years. Thank you! In a pastoral emergency, dial the church number and type in the extension for Marta (113) or Brooklyn (118). This forwards to their cell numbers; you don’t need to listen to the outgoing message. Save the Date
July Worship & Learning Series: As Long As You Need: Permission to Grieve by J.S. Park. Info, videos, links here. Worship: Today: Grief Needs to be Seen (Rev. Sean Neil-Barron* of Foothills UU preaching), 7/28 Losing Heart. Book discussion: TODAY 11 a.m. *Rev. Sean dreams of a time when progressive people of faith are as equipped to impact society as our conservative siblings. That together we can proclaim and live our core conviction: that all are worthy of love & belonging and that we are all in this together. Sean was born on Treaty 7 land in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and comes to Foothills after four years in New England. He is a self-proclaimed nerd — particularly about history, current politics, science, and Star Wars. Outside of ministry you will find Sean hiking or cooking up a storm with his partner Charles, and their dog Dollie. We are organizing Sun. morning small groups for 6 weeks beginning this fall. Is there a topic/book you'd like to facilitate? Groups will be 5 to 12 people. Contact Brooklyn to suggest topics. Share the Plate is the Darwish Family (via the Immigrant Support Fund). Learn more here. Cash and undesignated checks (or those marked Share, Darwish, etc.) will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Use memo line to indicate pledge. 7/26 The church office will be closed due to staff schedules. In a pastoral emergency, dial the church number and type in the extension for Marta (113) or Brooklyn (118). This forwards to their cell numbers; you don’t need to listen to the outgoing message. Fellowship of the Grape (FOG): Fri., 7/26 at 5 p.m. at the home of Barry and Ruth Long, use contact form by Thurs. 11 a.m. for address. All are welcome 21+, and we enjoy having those new to Plymouth join us. Just bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer, and join us for fellowship. The Parents Circle Families Forum is a joint Israeli-Palestinian organization of 700+ bereaved families who have lost a close family member to the conflict. Instead of revenge, they have chosen reconciliation. Join them as they share their stories. Plymouth is one of the sponsors. 7/29 at 11a.m. at FC Old Town Library, 201 Peterson St. or by Zoom. Register for both here. Imagine Project grants from the Outreach & Mission Board are open through 9/15. Learn more and apply here. Leadership Council Minutes click here. Save the date:
July Worship & Learning Series: As Long As You Need: Permission to Grieve by J.S. Park. Info, videos, links here.
Share the Plate is the Darwish Family (via the Immigrant Support Fund). Learn more here. Cash and undesignated checks (or those marked Share, Darwish, etc.) will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Use memo line to indicate pledge. The Trustees are completing a major renovation of the parsonage and need help to remove the existing carpet and baseboards on Sat. 7/20, to install wood flooring. We will start at 9 a.m. and should be done by noon. Greg Rutherford will be leading the team. All are welcome to help! Memorial Service for Patt Moore: Sat., 7/20 at 11:00 a.m. Streaming here. Get-A-Grip (50+ potluck) 7/20 at 6 p.m. hosted by Bob & Meg Jeffrey, Trails at Timberline Apartments Clubhouse, 2451 S Timberline Road. Please bring a table setting and potluck dish to share. Beverages provided but you may bring your own. RSVP Meg Jeffrey (use contact form by Friday morning or email her directly). Fellowship of the Grape (FOG): Fri., 7/26 at 5 p.m. at the home of Barry and Ruth Long, use contact form by Friday morning for address. All are welcome 21+, and we enjoy having those new to Plymouth join us. Just bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer, and join us for fellowship. Save the date
Today: Outdoor worship, and July Worship & Learning Series starts! As Long As You Need: Permission to Grieve by J.S. Park. Worship: 7/7 Losing Spirit, 7/14 Losing Mind, 7/21 Losing Body, 7/28 Losing Heart. Book groups: Sun. at 11 a.m. on 7/7 and 7/21. Info, video, links here. Time to sign up for two events this summer (there will be tables in Fellowship Hall after the service, or sign up online at links for each event):
* Share the Plate is the Darwish Family (via the Immigrant Support Fund). Learn more here. Cash and undesignated checks (or those marked Share, Darwish, etc.) will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Use memo line to indicate pledge. Plymouth Social Club (Millennial/Gen X fellowship group) at Timnath Beerwerks (4138 Main St., Timnath) at 5 p.m. on Fri., 7/12. Join us for drinks, dinner, and time together. Dogs and kids welcome. No need to RSVP. Hope to see you there! Memorial Service for Beverly Hadden: Sat., 7/13 at 10:30 a.m. (no streaming). SAVE THE DATE: July - As Long As You Need featured in worship. Learn more.
June 30: Church member/biblical scholar the Rev. Dr. David Petersen on Mark 5:21-43. David's page at Emory University Today after worship: Overflow: a joyful summer series for all ages. Next week: Outdoor worship, and July Worship & Learning Series: As Long As You Need: Permission to Grieve by J.S. Park. Worship: 7/7 Losing Spirit, 7/14 Losing Mind, 7/21 Losing Body, 7/28 Losing Heart. Book groups: Sun. at 11 a.m. on 7/7 and 7/21. Get the book and start reading now. Info, video, links here. Share the Plate partner for the rest of June is Rocky Mountain Equality. Learn more here. Cash and undesignated checks (or those marked RME, etc.) will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Use memo line to indicate pledge. Time to sign up for two events this summer (there will be tables in Fellowship Hall, or sign up online at links for each event): 7/11: Palestinian dinner/program with the Darwish family (sign up here by 7/8) and 9/6-8: All-Church Retreat (sign up here by 8/9). save the date: July - As Long As You Need featured in worship. Learn more.