Pick up a J-Term@Plymouth card on the Welcome Desk or from one of the greeters.
BLESSED BELONGING SMALL GROUPS: Mini session in January! Three Sundays only (1/5, 1/12, 1/19). Sign up on bulletin board, here, or just show up. FIRST NAME CLUB (seniormost seniors) January: annual soup luncheon at noon. Program: Sue Yadon will have a photo presentation of their trip to Peru this past fall. RSVP by 1/7: email firstnameclub at plymouthucc.org, (970) 482.9212, or sign up in Fellowship Hall. And you can join the Kitchen Angels to help with the First Name Club lunch on the first Thursday of the month (but not in January! Second Thursday 1/9). To learn more, contact Marcia Hoefer or firstnameclub at plymouthucc.org. LITURGIST: to join the worship leadership team as a liturgist, sign up here. Comments are closed.