Pick up a J-Term @Plymouth card on the Welcome Desk or from one of the greeters. Look for our February card next week!
Final Sunday for 9 A.M. BLESSED BELONGING SMALL GROUPS mini session! Drop in and see if one is right for you. See bulletin board for the different groups. New 5-week session starts 2/2. REV. ERIN GILMORE (Rocky Mountain Conference of the UCC Transitional Minister) will return after worship today for more congregational conversation. The church will be closed tomorrow (1/20), in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday. Regular office hours resume on Tuesday. Our FOG (Fellowship of the Grape) January get together will be on Fri., 1/24 from 6-8 p.m. at the home of Claudia and Bill DeMarco. Bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer, and join us for fellowship with your Plymouth family 21+. Bill will hopefully be playing his guitar, and new Plymouth friends are always welcome. ANNUAL MEETING CELEBRATION & SNACKS, Sun. 1/26. Worship will be slightly shorter and the Celebration will start right afterwards. NOTE: in order to keep everyone healthy this winter, Congregational Life is sponsoring snacks, not a potluck. Materials at plymouthucc.org/budget NEW MEMBER CLASS, Sun., 2/2, 11:30 to 1 p.m. RSVP at plymouthucc.org/events, BYO Snack & Drink, childcare available (use form at link). Membership welcoming ceremony on 2/9 at 10 a.m. service. Comments are closed.