July Worship & Learning Series: As Long As You Need: Permission to Grieve by J.S. Park. Info, videos, links here.
Share the Plate is the Darwish Family (via the Immigrant Support Fund). Learn more here. Cash and undesignated checks (or those marked Share, Darwish, etc.) will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Use memo line to indicate pledge. The Trustees are completing a major renovation of the parsonage and need help to remove the existing carpet and baseboards on Sat. 7/20, to install wood flooring. We will start at 9 a.m. and should be done by noon. Greg Rutherford will be leading the team. All are welcome to help! Memorial Service for Patt Moore: Sat., 7/20 at 11:00 a.m. Streaming here. Get-A-Grip (50+ potluck) 7/20 at 6 p.m. hosted by Bob & Meg Jeffrey, Trails at Timberline Apartments Clubhouse, 2451 S Timberline Road. Please bring a table setting and potluck dish to share. Beverages provided but you may bring your own. RSVP Meg Jeffrey (use contact form by Friday morning or email her directly). Fellowship of the Grape (FOG): Fri., 7/26 at 5 p.m. at the home of Barry and Ruth Long, use contact form by Friday morning for address. All are welcome 21+, and we enjoy having those new to Plymouth join us. Just bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer, and join us for fellowship. Save the date
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