We are in week 2 of the worship series on an approach to caring for each other that invites people to engage wholeheartedly in ways of leading profound change, ways that are deeply connected to people’s inner well-being and to their communities of accountability. Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose. Learn more here.
We are organizing Sun. morning small groups for 6 weeks beginning 9/15. Groups will be 5 to 12 people. Sign up now in Fellowship Hall. Is there a topic/book you'd like to facilitate? Use the form. Drop-Off Starts Today for Annual Student Welcome Event. Event date 8/17. Questions: form here. Next week (8/18): Summer Choir RSVP on Music page (rehearse at 9:15; sing the same day). New Member Inquiry Class, 11:30 - 1 p.m. Details/RSVP Raise the Roof is coming August 19-23! If you missed the video on Sunday, view it on our Raise the Roof page, where you can also donate early and learn about Rainbow Villages. The World Missions Ministry Team is looking for people interested in helping organize The Missions Marketplace, which helps fund international outreach and community nonprofits. This year TMM will occur on Sun.,12/8 (one day only). There is an organizing mtg on Tues., 8/13 at 4 p.m. Share the Plate is the Student Housing Security Initiative of Lutheran Campus Ministry and congregational partners like Plymouth. Learn more here. Cash and undesignated checks (or those marked Share, LuMin, etc.) will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Use memo line to indicate pledge. Plymouth is looking for a new person to lead us through CROP Walk 2024. Fundraising in Sept., walk 10/6. Interested/info, Bob Vangermeersch. This is NOT a huge commitment and Plymouth has been represented at our local CROP Walk for many years. Thank you! Make a joyful noise! Plymouth Talent Showcase & Potluck 8/25 following the service. Open to all ages, share your performance and visual talents with Plymouth following a potluck lunch. This is a family-friendly event sponsored by the Congregational Life board. Submit your entry here. Questions? Meg Jeffrey. In a pastoral emergency, dial the church number and type in the extension for Marta (113) or Brooklyn (118). This forwards to their cell numbers; you don’t need to listen to the outgoing message. NOTE: both Annmarie and Anna will be out Tues-Fri next week (starting 8/13).
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