We are in a five-week series on Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose. Learn more here. Next week is the final worship service in the series. Raise the Roof Celebration today! We “Raised the Roof,” to replenish our reserves and donate to Rainbow Villages! Following the service, the Stewardship Committee will be holding a cake and ice cream celebration during the potluck (see below). TODAY: Talent Showcase & Potluck following the service. Open to all ages, share your performance and visual talents with Plymouth following a potluck lunch. This is a family-friendly event sponsored by Congregational Life. Please come even if you didn’t bring a potluck item! We are organizing Sun. morning small groups for 6 weeks beginning 9/15. Sign up in Fellowship Hall. Groups will be 5-12 people. A giant THANK YOU to Bobbi Hargleroad, Nancy Sturtevant, and all who donated household items, time, trucks, snacks and energy to help us welcome incoming int’l students and participants in LCM's Housing Security Initiative -- and help them make their apartments feel like "home"! This ministry of compassionate welcome is one way Plymouth and other partner organizations have become neighbor to CSU, the university next door. First Name Club (seniormost seniors) Luncheon, Thurs., 9/5 at noon. A Mexican lunch followed by a presentation from Barbara Bennett, LCSO'S Chief ScamBuster on current scams and frauds. $5 donation for lunch is suggested. RSVP by Mon. prior to 482-9212 or firstnameclub at plymouthucc.org. Share the Plate is the Student Housing Security Initiative of Lutheran Campus Ministry and congregational partners like Plymouth. Learn more here. Cash and undesignated checks (or those marked Share, LuMin, etc.) will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Use memo line to indicate pledge. In a pastoral emergency, dial the church number and type in the extension for Marta (113) or Brooklyn (118). This forwards to their cell numbers; you don’t need to listen to the outgoing message. ATTENTION, RECYCLERS!The Climate Action Ministry Team has found out the clamshells are not being recycled after all. CAM can now take ONLY STYROFOAM. Thank you! No plastic clamshells can be left off at Plymouth for recycling. Mark your calendars for
Fall Sunday Schedule starting 9/8 9:00: Christian Formation for kids & youth starts 9/8, adult groups start 9/15 10:00 Worship 11:00 Coffee Fellowship 9/8 - Fellowship time includes bouncy house and Mission Ministry Team Showcase & Peach Treats [bring a peach dessert or dish to share] Come and learn and sign up to get involved. Comments are closed.