October is our Generosity Campaign! If you did not receive information in the mail, click here and scroll down to read the letter and flyer. View our online pledge card here. And save the date for the Celebration Brunch Potluck on 10/27 after worship.
In addition, during worship on Oct. 6, 13, and 20 we will be collecting items for ISAAC’s Newcomer Youth Winter Drive: coats, winter hats, warm gloves, and teen hygiene bags (full-sized products in reusable grocery bags. Items include: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, deodorant, body wash, razors, toothpaste, floss, toothbrush. You can contribute items without assembling a bag!) Organ Encounter on Sun. 10/13 at 11:15 a.m. - noon in the sanctuary following worship. Gather around the “King of Instruments” for an interactive presentation on the organ’s role in leading the primary vehicle for congregational singing: the hymn. This event will also be livestreamed. Sunday 9 a.m. adult small groups. We are hoping to host a couple more small groups for adults for another 6 week session, starting 11/3. Equipping the Saints is the theme. Please interpret this theme any way you'd like, knowing it is post-election, a time of All Saints, Thanksgiving, etc. If you are interested in leading one, please contact Pastor Marta or Brooklyn. We are excited to open up a short-term, part-time ministry position that embodies our mission of hospitality to all, transforming experiences, and unfolding God’s Kin-dom. More information: plymouthucc.org/jobs. Get-a-Grip (GAG) empty nesters potluck, Sat., 10/19 6 p.m. at Tobey and Sue Yadon's house. RSVP by Thursday 2 p.m. here or contact the Yadons directly. Fellowship of the Grape. Join us for a fall FOG celebration on Fri., 10/25 from 6-8 p.m. at the home of Jim and Ellen Cooney. Bring a bottle of wine, an appetizer, and join our Plymouth family 21+ for fellowship. UCC Hurricane Relief Efforts. On 10/9, Hurricane Milton landed on Florida’s west coast, less than two weeks after Hurricane Helene devastated the region. As of Thursday, 10/10, over 3.3 million customers are without power, and several communities have been devastated by tornadoes and flooding..... [Read more and/or donate here] In a pastoral emergency, dial the church number and type in the extension for Marta (113) or Brooklyn (118). This forwards to their cell numbers; you don’t need to listen to the outgoing message. Comments are closed.