In worship in November, we are using saints from Faces of Our Faith. The saint we are focusing on this Sunday is Mary Magdalene. Hanging of the Greens after worship; stay to decorate, have cocoa and cookies and make ornaments!
Adult small groups at 9 a.m. See bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up on our church app, at, or on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall! Join our moderators and treasurers for a Congregational Conversation today at 11 a.m. in the forum room: gathering and sharing in the spirit of radical transparency. Come check out our draft 2025 budget and help us envision! Advent starts Sunday, 12/1. We are following Advent Conspiracy this year. Learn more here. Wrapping Party, Sun., 12/1 after worship. The whole church is invited to wrap donated toys for a Christmas giveaway with New Eyes Village. We will have cocoa, cookies, and Christmas music in Fellowship Hall as we wrap. The Get-a-Grip (50+ potluck) Christmas evening will be at the McGrew’s house on 12/7 at 6 p.m. It will be a white elephant gift exchange this year. Liz and Jack will prepare the main meat dish and will have some beverages. We would like everybody to bring a side dish to share. Just RSVP if you know that evening is going to be free. The Missions Marketplace is back on Sunday, 12/8 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. More info coming soon. Christmas poinsettias are available to donate here. Deadline is 12/10. Weekday Bible Study Group: Ways to Read the Bible. Wherever you are on your faith journey, whatever you know – or don't know – about the Bible, you are invited to join Ruth Billington for a 7-week exploration of ways to unlock its profound richness for our life today. Tuesdays, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Sign up here. Foothills Unitarian's Drag Christmas Spectacular returns! A fusion of theater, drag, and a queer retelling of the Christmas story benefiting Rainbow Villages. Evening shows age 16+ 12/20 & 21, 7 p.m. All ages show: Sat., 12/21, 2 p.m. Info, tickets here. Comments are closed.