Foraging for Faith
Exploring religion and spirituality that fits who we are as individuals in a world that needs good, kind, open-minded people.
Open to all college students and young adults.
Jesus Has Left the Building
How can we reclaim the identity of "Christian" as the revolutionary way of Jesus? In this podcast, Marta (our associate minister, Marta Fioriti) and Mandy explore questions like this in order to help bring about God's kin-dom, on earth as it is in heaven. Following the Fire: A Journey through the Wilderness Like many others, hosts Steve and Nathan are on a spiritual journey of deconstruction and reconstruction to find what God truly wants of us. Reclaiming My Theology Each episode, host Brandi talks to a guest about how the attributes of oppressive ideologies have infiltrated how we see ourselves, each other, and God. The Bible for Normal People The Only God-Ordained Podcast on the Internet.™ Pete Enns and Jared Byas are bringing the best in biblical scholarship to everyday people. |