Pledge Online
Option 1:
Pledge Only If you only want to pledge (and not pay online) use the form at the bottom of the page, but check the box that reads Make non-recurring payments with cash/check/other |
Option 2:
Pledge and Set Up Online Payment To pledge and set up online payments, use the Sustaining Donor form for 2025 and check the box that says "Make this my 2025 pledge." |

- Instructions for form below on this page
- Step 1: Enter 2025 total
- Step 2: Change start date from today's date to 1/5/25 (or other start date of choice)
- Step 3: Select gift frequency (monthly, quarterly, etc.)
- Step 4: The form will automatically break down your total 2025 pledge into the increments you select... then
- Step 5: Verify this matches your intention. If the numbers don't look right to you, either adjust the total or the frequency.
(Form below may take a moment to load.)