how do I Join Plymouth?
I've been visiting a while... What's my next step?
Interested in learning more about Plymouth? Join us for membership exploration sessions with our clergy, for a chance to learn about Plymouth and meet other newcomers, scheduled quarterly (or more frequently). Contact the office if you are interested in being notified when we have our next class.
What does membership mean at Plymouth?
Membership at Plymouth is a sign of our connectedness with each other and with God. By joining the church we affirm our intention to be in covenant with one another in Christian community and with God. Members are stakeholders in the whole life of the congregation including voice and vote in matters of calling ministers and affirming church resolutions. Join us in our covenant to live life together!
New Member CovenantIn the presence of God and these witnesses,
I give myself unreservedly to God's service and take this to be my church. Ever mindful of the welfare of my brother and sister members, I promise to walk with them in faithfulness and Christian love. I promise, so far as I am able, to attend the services of this church, observe its sacraments, support its benevolences and endeavor to make it a fruitful body of Christian people. |
Congregational CovenantWe, the members of
Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, warmly welcome you: not to a congregation of the sinless, but to a living community of faith that seeks together to find new ways of being in relationship with God and enacting God’s intention for the wholeness of humankind. We pray that through loving and being loved, through serving and being served, you and we together may faithfully serve the realm of God. |