Housing insecurity is an issue for four in 10 CSU students. Lutheran Campus Ministry, in collaboration with churches like us, decided to do something about it: Subsidize the cost of housing and provide the opportunity to be safe in community with one another. Your gifts will support 18 students this year. Learn all about our student support August event and more at their special web page, where you can also see a video of the students! plymouthucc.org/studentsupport Share the Plate provided $879.28 for this project (this does not include money raised separately by the Welcome Event).
THE June 12 - July 3 Partner was |
The family left Afghanistan to resettle in Fort Collins. Folks from Plymouth, Heart of the Rockies, and the larger community have been working with this family. Read the background article. Total amount donated to this project was $1,342.43. |
The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations. By your generosity to this offering, you build up the Body of Christ.
As God calls our congregations to be the church in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults.
We sent $359.50 to this ministry partner.
During the month, $1361 was collected for the Food Bank for Larimer County.
| On the first Sunday in May, Heather Buoniconti, Chief Development Officer at the Food Bank for Larimer County, spoke to our 9 a.m. service. |
About this Month's Ministry Partner
At the Food Bank for Larimer County, we believe no one should be hungry. Our dream is to deliver health, hope and humanity to stabilize the lives of our clients and build a vibrant community. We are a private non-profit organization and the only Feeding America clearinghouse for donated food in our county. Each year, we provide food to an estimated 37,500 people in need through community partnerships and hunger-relief programs.
The special offering for Ukraine Relief raised $8820, and three Share the Plate Sundays (April 10-24, which included Easter) added another $1422, for a grand total thus far of $10,242. Wow!
This Month's Ministry Partner
The United Church of Christ is appealing for support for refugees who have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries and for elderly and other vulnerable people who are displaced within Ukraine and unable to leave. As a member of the ACT Alliance, UCC support is being targeted to people most in need through humanitarian relief partners with a history of working in the region.