This morning we welcome Dr. Diana Butler Bass to Plymouth’s pulpit. Diana is an award-winning author, popular speaker, inspiring preacher, and one of America’s most trusted commentators on religion and contemporary spirituality.
Diana’s passion is sharing great ideas to change lives and the world—a passion that ranges from informing the public about spiritual trends, challenging conventional narratives about religious practice, entering the fray of social media with spiritual wisdom and smart theology, and writing books to help readers see themselves, their place in history, and God differently. Diana’s most recent books are Grateful, Grounded, and Freeing Jesus. We invite you to come back at 6:30 this evening for Diana’s workshop on gratitude. Full details Next Sunday (10/8) Blessing of the Animals at 12:15 p.m. on the patio. Our pastors will bless your pets, living or passed away, in person or in pictures. Please have live animals leashed, caged, or otherwise safe for other animals and people. Youth Group at 1:30 p.m. at Meow Wolf. Youth page. Our next Faith Family Hospitality hosting week starts 10/8. Registration, schedule, contact form for the Freeses here. Events First Name Club (seniors luncheon) is 10/5 at noon. RSVP by Tues., 10/3, 970-482-9212 or [email protected]. Topic: Stephen Ministers and Faith Community Nursing. Save the date for Consecration Sunday, 10/22. Breakfast and a raffle between services. All who have turned in a pledge card get a raffle ticket. We would like to support Colleen & Wayne Shepperd with meals while Colleen heals from a fall. Sign up on our meals page. Colleen has Celiac disease and must follow a gluten-free diet. Outreach & Mission Our Share the Plate partner for 10/1 is the UCC’s Neighbors in Need Offering. Learn more/give on our Share the Plate page. (Use check memo line to give to another fund, such as “pledge.”) On 11/4 & 11/5, The Missions Marketplace (TMM) will feature 20+ mission-based projects in Northern Colorado and around the world. Volunteers needed: cashier, greeter, café & table staff. Email [email protected]. Tamale & empanada pre-orders on Sundays, 10/15 & 10/22 or online. Order now on the Missions Marketplace page. Church World Service has been sponsoring the CROP Hunger Walk for 54 years! 25% of funds raised locally will go to the Food Bank for Larimer County. Plymouth will walk; join our team here. Comments are closed.