Our regular Sunday schedule returns on Epiphany Sunday, 1/7, at 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. with Brooklyn McBride, our Dir. of Christian Formation for Children and Youth, preaching.
Please visit our Adult Christian Formation page to see our many January & February adult ed offerings. Join the youth in fighting housing insecurity! During our upcoming Youth for Change weekend (formerly the "Sleepout to End Homelessness"), we will have a silent auction full of items that come from social justice organizations aligned with our cause. Donate items from our wish list. Y4C youth will be leading worship on Sun., 1/14 at 10 a.m. Our Share the Plate partner today is SPLASH Youth NoCo. All undesignated money, or checks with “Splash” or “Share” on the memo line, will be split 50/50 with our operating budget. Learn more/give. (Use your check memo line to give to another fund, such as “pledge.”) The First Name Club (seniormost seniors) annual soup luncheon, is on Thurs., 1/4. Experience a canal boat adventure in England & Scotland through the eyes of our own Linda & Ed Garten with special guest Sara Hoogendky. RSVP by noon on Tues. 1/2 firstnameclub at plymouthucc.org or call the office. Plymouth Social Club (Millennial/Gen X fellowship group): Join us on Sun., 1/21 at 2:30 p.m. at Prost Brewing (1510 S. College Ave., FoCo) for drinks and time together. Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks available; kids welcome. RSVP ajredavid at gmail.com so we know how many seats to save. Hope to see you there! WANTED: Volunteers in the church office. Contact Annmarie. Comments are closed.