On this Palm Sunday, we hear bursts of acclamation from the organ in "Trumpet Tune" by David Johnson and "Recessional" by Robert Hughes. The Chancel Choir relates the story of the Passion with the 17th century hymn text "My Song Is Love Unknown" in an expressive setting by Edwin Childs. Kids Will Sing! will offer the joyous South African tune "Siyahamba" led by director Liz McGrew and accompanist Jennifer Jolly. Rev. Kimberly Salico-Diehl joins us on piano as well.
Life on the move. A fateful procession into town. A courageous quest for a new life across Solsbury Hill. Stories of triumph – glorious and personal– this Palm Sunday morning.
At 9:00 a.m., guitarist Alan Skowron joins our steady journey to Holy Week with music by Amanda Udis-Kessler, Carl Schalk, John Bell and Peter Gabriel. At 11:00 a.m., the organ offers exclamations of triumphal passage with the regal "Processional in E Flat Major" by David Johnson and the closing "Recessional" by Robert Hughes. The Chancel Choir offers a sultry reading of the traditional Latin text "Sanctus" and "Benedictus" ("Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!") from Bob Chilcott's "A Little Jazz Mass" during communion. On this Palm Sunday morning, we hear the aural depiction of Procession: an act of stately significance yet undertaken humbly on a creature of lowly stature— a donkey. "Processional in D" by David Johnson begins morning worship with a clear call of someone significant approaching: royalty, a person of honor, a bride walking down the aisle! The aptly-titled "Recessional" by Robert Hughes encompasses the musical exclamation point a rousing postlude displays at service's end: a call to action, movement into the world with trumpets blaring! The morning's Musical Offering is a medley of Lenten hymn tunes arranged by Charles Callahan for organ and flute. "A Lenten Prelude" offers three melodies of the season: "Ah, Holy Jesus," "My Song is Love Unknown," and "Kind Maker of the World, O Hear." The setting begins with a nod to jazz before settling into a more measured stoic Baroque-like treatment. Flutist Aaron McGrew joins us. At the 6:00 p.m. service, music by Coldplay, film composer John Barry, and others inadvertently relate a more personal tale of sacrifice and redemption as we ponder the events of the coming week. Bassist Peter Strening joins myself and cantor Blair Carpenter for a worshipful hour on Zoom on the eve of Holy Week. Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem: a symbolic gesture alluding to regal overtures but, riding on a donkey, as one coming in peace. A "king" of peace. We will hear the trumpet sound in "Voluntary I" by Michel Rondeau and "Trumpet Tune in F Major" by David Johnson. Trumpeter Josh Margheim joins us in the tried and true collaboration between organ and brass. A setting of the 17th century hymn "Lord Jesus, Thou Art Going Forth" by Camil Van Hulse will conclude the service. Beginning in a flowing succession of minor sixth figures, the hymn tune soars over this cascade culminating in sustained dramatic harmonies foreshadowing the events in the week to come. |